What will be the greatest invention in the 2010s?

What will be the greatest invention in the 2010s? by @_trendspotter

Answer by Christoph Möller:

In vitro meat – fully lab cultured meat, that was never part of an animal

That could be used as replacement for the agricultural practice of breeding and raising livestock. Cruelty free inexpensive meat for consumption. We won't have to kill animals any longer, could produce more food for poorer countries and we can save our planet from destruction. And it could be used for future space missions.

And of course human enhancement by GRIN technology
(Genetics, Robotics, Information-, and Nano technologies)

Artificial photosynthesis – converts carbon dioxide with sunlight and water into oxygen, that could slow down global warming and help the transportability of energy.

Solar fuel – fuel produced from sunlight through artificial photosynthesis

Space-based solar power – collection of solar power in space, beam to earth where needed

Xenotransplantation – animal organs for transplantation

Artificial uterus – for extracorporeal pregnancy

3D Bioprinting – 3D printing human organs, as part of tissue engineering

Programmable Organisms – designing a life on a computer, printing it out as synthetic life

Agricultural robots and more domestic robots

Nanorobotics created by nanotechnology engineering

Metamaterial solar cells – that exhibit optical properties that are not found in naturally occurring materials

Atmospheric electricity – as renewable power source 

Gamification of science or health

Quantum Computing – practical commercial availablilty of quantum computers

Memcomputing – may even supercede quantum computing

Atomtronics – electronic circuits replaced by the use of atoms (even more powerful than Spintronics)

Renewable fuel cells based on Carbazole – a possible hydrogen car breakthrough

"Physical Internet" – to replace conventional logistics

Human augmentation / Human enhancement – enhancing human capacities with technology

Bionic contact lens – to create virtual displays for augmented reality

Ambient intelligence – as part of ubiquitous computing, Internet of Things and Web of Things

Ambient intelligence is a vision on the future of consumer electronics, telecommunications and computing that was originally developed in the late 1990s for the time frame 2010–2020.


Strong AI – (much more than 10 years further down the road…) artificial intelligence that matches or exceeds human intelligence

In terms of future health trends take a look at this excellent TED talk:

on the horizon:

Pulling the greenhouse gas CO2 (carbon dioxide) out of thin air

Storing CO2 underground and extracting electricity

Harvesting electricity from CO2

Making fuel from CO2 in the atmosphere

Plants provide blueprint for cheap hydrogen production

Making electricity from CO2 and hydrogen with bacteria

Pulling petrol out of thin air

Pulling ammonia out of thin air for fuel of the future

Making steel without greenhouse-gas emissions

New Battery Design Could Help Solar and Wind Energy Power the Grid

Building electronics from the ground up

Transistors without Semiconductors

Improved information processing

Storing solar energy for years – generate heat on demand

Solar cells created from trees

Solar-cells created from cotton

A greener, more sustainable source for plastics

Solar-cells based on quantum dots

Solar-cells based on nanowires

Flexible or wearable solar-cells – to power flexible electronics

Transparent electrodes created with nanowires – for flexible electronics

Flexible electronics – based on three-dimensional form of graphene

Stretchable power sources – to power flexible electronics

Peel-and-stick solar cells

Solar panels a few atoms thick

Spray-on solar cells

Solar panels as inexpensive as paint

Hydrogen from sunlight

Paint-on semiconductors – to bring down electronics cost

Indium gallium arsenide transistors – as alternative to silicon

Self-healing circuits

Computers that never crash

Electric cars that recharge through their tires

Packaging that monitors food freshness

Material that cools buildings in full sunlight

Lifelike cooling for sunbaked windows

Laser cooling

Portable water purification system, could bring clean water to rural poor

Using magnets to kill cancer cells

Electro-magnetic technique to deliver life-saving drugs to the brain – could help patients who suffer from neurological diseases such as Alzheimer’s, Parkinson’s

Reversing memory loss – to help people with disorders such as Alzheimer

Personalized medicine – creating medicine out of your own body

ex-vivo surgery – organs (with tumors) operated outside the body

Food source from non-food plants – could help feed a global population

3D printing drugs – based on drag-and-drop DNA and DNA "Lego bricks"

3D printed human embryonic stem cells
3-D Printed Human Embryonic Stem Cells Created for First Time

"4-D" printing

Heart cells as "biological pacemakers"

Virtual body double gets ill so you don't have to

Biological wires that carry electricity

Analog circuits from living bacteria

Organs-on-chips and Labs-on-chips

Using DNA as "biological Internet"

Printable 'bionic' ear melds electronics and biology

Implantable Electronics

Merging the biological, electronic

Isolating and manipulating specific memories at the level of single brain cells


A look back at the MIT Technology Review Emerging Technologies of the past decade, here some areas that are currently heavily explored:

Natural Language Processing (forecasted by TR in 2001)

today available in Google Voice Search (since 2008), Apple Siri (since 2011)

Brain-Machine Interface (forecasted by TR in 2001)

today available for example by BrainGate

What will be the greatest invention in the 2010s?

What are the strongest habits I can do to become a million-dollar entrepreneur?

What are the strongest habits I can do to become a million-dollar entrepreneur? by @daniel_ndukwu

Answer by Daniel Ndukwu:

There are just two habits. Only two.

If you look around, you’ll see lists of hundreds upon hundreds of habits.

Some people say network. Which is important.

Some people say add value. Also needed.

Some people say learn to hire. Still indispensable.

All these habits are good but miss the mark. None of them are THE most important.

The two most important habits are very simple.

They’re simple but you can’t do without them.

Getting customers and keeping customers happy.

One is nothing without the other.

Getting customers AKA sell like it’s going out of style.

When you start a business, you have nothing. No name, no credentials, and no goodwill. Sure, you may have years of experience in your industry, but that’s different from starting your own.

Maybe some of your clients will come over to your side, but most of them won’t. Really, they won’t.

This is the first thing you need to learn whether you’re into selling pet care or into selling industrial equipment. Sell when you’re chatting, sell when you’re dreaming, hell, sell when you’re pissing.

It’s all about the sale.

If you have no customers you, have no business.

If you have no customers, you have no staff.

If you have no customers, you have nothing.

Keeping your Customers Happy AKA We’re in it for the long haul

Let me give you some statistics here.

On average, it costs 5x more to get a new customer than to retain an old one.

Only 44% of companies focus on customer retention while only 18% focus on retention.

The probability of selling a new product to an old customer is 60-70% while the probability is only 5-10% for a new prospect.

Existing customers are 50% more likely to try a new product

Increasing customer retention by 5% increases profits by 25-95%

As the numbers clearly tell us, it’s much cheaper and much more profitable to keep customers that you’ve already acquired.

Don’t “Just ship it” if it’s not at least adding some value. I’m a fan of iteration, but some startups are just too damn lazy for my liking.

A landing page is not a Minimum Viable product.

Two videos in a $1200 course is not a minimum viable product.

Moral of the story, build something awesome, sell it like you’re going to be homeless tomorrow, and keep your customers happy. No, ecstatic.

PS. Reading is also way up there on the list. You can choose a few books from my Quora reading list to get started

Follow me on Quora to get more of my answers Daniel Ndukwu

Check out my website where I write in depth articles on business, psychology, and being a badass writer The Research Corner

What are the strongest habits I can do to become a million-dollar entrepreneur?

What is the biggest problem that entrepreneurship itself is facing right now?

What is the biggest problem that entrepreneurship itself is facing right now? by @daniel_ndukwu

Answer by Daniel Ndukwu:

The porn, it’s definitely the porn.

We see entrepreneur porn all over the internet and the news. The stories of brave founders quitting their jobs, tackling the wilderness of business, and exiting at $100,000,000 or more.

Along the way, their passion for the craft strains relationships, burns bridges, and almost drives them broke before it all turns around. The story of unicorns.

LinkedIn acquired for 26 billion.

Facebook Market cap of 359 Billion

How I made $2.5 million in 2 years.

It goes on and on and on. It’s a fantasy. These stories have been carefully cultivated and presented to us — the general public.

The porn makes it incredibly difficult to see what’s really going on beneath the surface. It makes it almost impossible to truly understand what it takes to start, grow, and eventually sell a successful company.

Here are just a few of the truths the porn hides. I’ll also dive into the problems it causes.

1. It’s very rarely rags to riches.

There’s a very interesting discussion on Hacker News you should check out. Here’s an excerpt.

This is the point that has really started to become clear to me in recent years, and not just for startups but for artists, authors, athletes, and all the other dream jobs we idolize: so many of these people are either (1) not really making that much money or (2) already had a trust-fund or come from a wealthy background so they can spend all of their time writing, painting, or engineering. Most authors make below the poverty line [1], and Facebook's success was the outlier, not the norm.

I did the start-up thing in my 20s for about 3-4 years (in the 1990s). My income was about the same as my salary would later be when I went to work for another company, but my stress-levels dropped significantly when I started working for someone else. The constant uncertainty was gone, I was watching my savings grow instead of decline, and I do regret not going for that stability sooner.

I see a similarity between tech-kids in their 20s chasing start-up dreams and the poor kids from my old neighborhood chasing hoop-dreams. The tech-kids have better options to fall back on, but the chances of becoming that rockstar million/billionaire CEO/professional athlete are about the same.

2. You don’t need to be Google, LinkedIn, Facebook, or even in the tech industry

The stories that come out are about sensational teens or twenty something’s that quit their jobs and went on binge coding sprees. When they looked up for air, they had a $100,000,000 dollar valuation and an IPO coming next week.

First, most businesses aren’t in the tech industry and what we see on the news is just a very small sampling of what’s available. There are many companies like Question Nutrition who are doing just fine outside of tech.

3. It only takes a few years

Um, why would you ever think it takes a few years to build a billion dollar business? If it happens at all, it takes decades. The companies you see today like Apple, Shell, and HSBC weren’t even conceived in this century. Not to mention this decade.

The thing is, there is a grind and it’s important to develop your skills in many different capacities. You shouldn’t shun working for the man. The man can teach you things you’d never learn. The man can introduce you to people you’d never meet. The man can open doors you didn’t even know were locked.

Am I saying you shouldn’t chase your dreams? Not at all.

What I am saying is to get some freaking experience to avoid common mistakes.

Problems The Porn Causes

1. The problem all these things cause is a huge number of people calling themselves entrepreneurs with no experience, no customers, and no idea of what they want to really build.

There are a slew of me too companies. I want to be the next Uber or we’re the Facebook killer. No, you’re not going to kill Facebook and why would you want to be the next Uber? You should be worried about keeping your sanity while building the first “gimho” or whatever you want to call your company.

When writing, they always say “find your unique voice” In business, it’s find your unique value. Also known as unique selling point. What is unique about next “fill in the blank?”

Stop watching the porn and really have sex.

Follow me on Quora to get my other answers Daniel Ndukwu

You can check out my website The Research Corner where I dive into entrepreneurship, writing, and psychology.

What is the biggest problem that entrepreneurship itself is facing right now?